THE NOEL RESIDENTIAL FELLOWSHIPSThe Noel Collection is one of the largest private collections of antiquarian books in the United States. Its holdings range chronologically from the fifteenth century to the present and include over 200,000 rare books and reference works, hundreds of photographs, prints, and ephemera. As an interdisciplinary center for collection-based scholarship, the Noel Collection encourages researchers to explore and immerse themselves in holistic and intimate inquiry from a wide range of disciplines and topics, but especially in early modern history of Europe and the US, art history, literary studies, design history, the decorative arts, landscape architecture and design, and consumer culture. The Collection has substantial holdings on the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era.
Academic, independent, and museum scholars as well as advanced graduate students are invited to apply for short-term (1-2 weeks) residential research fellowships that can be used any time throughout 2023 spring and fall semesters. All applicants are strongly encouraged to search the Noel Collection’s online catalogue and/or contact staff members to discuss potential research projects. The suitability of a project to the Noel Collection is the primary consideration of the fellowship award committee. CriteriaAcademic, independent, and museum scholars as well as advanced graduate students (preferably doctoral) pursuing scholarship in a field appropriate to the Noel Collection’s holdings. Research projects leading to a publication will be given a priority.
Applications and proposals will be evaluated with respect to general intellectual promise and rigor. Preference will be given to those projects that are likely to make the best use of materials in the Noel Collection and that help the Noel Collection better assess the extent and character of its holdings. The Noel Collection especially encourages projects concerned with the novelties and singularities of cultural and intellectual life from across the eras of print culture. Value of Award$2,000-2,500
Submission ProcessApplications should include:
Applications can be emailed to Prof. Alexander Mikaberidze, Curator of the James S. Noel Collection, at [email protected] Previous RecipientsPrevious recipients of Noel Collection fellowships include: